...Was surfing on fb as usual, reading news feed that arouses my interest. And then again, I saw those heart breaking things.
A man tries to throw his puppy into the sea to get the puppy drown and die. But the puppy is so strong, he keeps on swimming back to its owner, someone that the puppy thoughts he will loves and protects him. No matter how many times he swam back to the man, the man keeps throwing him back to the sea without any hesitation. . Until he's scared of the man...
He doesnt know what he has been done wrong the owner doesnt want him anymore. He was so scared and has to hide behind the rock until the man left...
Thank god there're some other people who saw the whole thing and went up to save the poor puppy.
Why on earth the man has to do this? It's just an innocent poor little life. Why? And he done nothing wrong. The only fault the puppy has done is to born to this world? It's so unfair.
Us human, as the most powerful and smartest living thing on the planet, though we're unable to protect all other living things due to the balance of nature. Each animal has its ecological niche. Every creatures are gonna be eaten, except humans I'd say, despite some cannibalisms and some animal attacks as animals dont always eat humans. And it happens merely because humans had incompatible with the balanced ecosystem. Talk about the polar bear attacks human.
Poultry are the unlucky one. Always placed bottom of the pyramid. Everyone eats chicken and duck. Also cow and goat etc. Grass eaten by worms, worms eaten by birds, bird eaten by snakes, snakes eaten eagles. And everything eaten by humans. Predator prey interaction.
What my point is, we eat them but we DO NOT TORTURE THEM at least.
Omg I'm rationalizing myself from eating so many chicken and fish. BUT I DONT TORTURE ANIMALS! I respect all lives on earth!
Look what humans do. Torture animals, skin animals alive to get their fur to make those bloody coats, cut off the fins from live sharks and throw em back to the sea, slaughters, eat monkey brain of the live monkey, bear's paw WTF, bear bile *you dont wanna know how they get it*.
Well I know all animals are intelligent. They feel happy and pain, they sad. But let's talk about dog here, man's best friend.
For over centuries, dog has been keep as a helper, guardian, kids' playmate, loyalty protector and companion of humans. The cohabitation of dogs and humans would have greatly improved the chances of survival for early human groups, and the domestication of dogs may have been one of the key forces that led to human success.
Dog is a very smart animal and yet, humanity. And they have a very clean and simple soul. If you feed them food, play with them, they will pay you back their life of loyalty, love you , and protect you. Be there for you no matter who you are, rich or poor.
They happy when you play with them, they feel sad when you fall sick.
Look at this dog! They're just like human!
Some people they just dont understand. They think animals are just animal. They cant think and they cant feel. If you really think so, you're retarded. Dogs feel everything like humans do. The only thing they cant do is speak like human.
They cant speak and fight for their rights, that is why there are some sick monsters treat them so inhumanly like some rubbish, they dont even treat dogs as a life just like them. Just because they cant speak. And they proclaim themselves as human.
They torture dogs, burn dogs alive, beat dogs to death. What for? For fun. They build they happiness on the misery of others. They enjoy seeing dogs suffering from pain to death. They got nothing better to do.
Not asking we must give everything best to your dog, dog house, dog spa, dog mask whatever. No, what the only thing they need is your love. Give them food and play with em. They want nothing more than that.
Dogs unlike human. We got parents, siblings and friends. But your dog only have YOU. You're the only family they have. Once you abandoned them, imagine how to gonna live out there. No one loves them, no one pat them to sleep..... This is so sad.
Look at the stray dogs on street... not asking you to love all of em but at least dont treat them badly. They got nothing, fight for food with the world alone. If they're unlucky enough to met some sick psycho... what will they think. 'I've done nothing wrong since I was born, I seek food on my own from the garbage, I didnt bother the human, why human have to treat me like this.'
Isn't it sad?
Please have a heart...
Well not only dogs, cats and also other animals.
One last to those who raise dogs, PLEASE DO NOT KEEP YOUR DOG IN CAGE. Look how sad they are!
3. You're ashamed of yourself and your race, which is also my race.
4. People get offended by your video merely because you're an idiot.
5. This whole video doesnt make sense. Maybe you have some of the point but your attitude ruined it. =/
6. You're not the only person in the world who can speak multiple languages. And you're not even good in all of the languages you mentioned.
7. You need to walk out from your room and look at the world. The world is way bigger than you thought.
8. When someone being called Banana doesnt mean he/she has a typical yellow skin and white inside from throat to intestine. It means that person is an Asian and can only speak English. You're trying too hard to be funny to joke about it.
9. Not trying to offend you, but you have an ugly face. And ugly expression. Sorry. =(
10. You are also try too hard to fake the accent. Baaaa-naaaa-naaaaa.
11. Work harder on your pronounciation.
12. You . Are . Not . Funny
13. Your friends dont need to show their appreciation to you as you speak English with em. Dont expect them to be thankful for 'helping' them with their English. Your english is definitely not helping. Nah, not good enough.
14. You cant sing.
15. Well no comment on the Xiao BB xiao zizi thinggie. Some of them are really kinda lame.
16. It's a respect to speak language people understand. If your friends are not good in english you shouldnt make fun of em. In fact, you can actually speak mandarin. Well you dont speak mandarin to Indian right.
17. Tons of Asians speaking fluent english a 100million times better than you , so called the real banana and they are frustrated 'cause they cant speak mandarin. Mandarin IS IMPORTANT. In case you dont know.
18. You're living in your own 'box' poking your own 'bubbles'.
19. You need to get a life.
20. Seriously?
You amused me. Had fun reading the comments on youtube. Thank you. =D
I stared at the picture for soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long and still I couldnt find it. I thought it was some prank or what. Until I noticed loads of people are talking about the picture. So I decided to challenge it again.
Fine. I google it! When I found it I was like.... WAS I BLIND OR WHAT?! IT'S DAMN FREAKING OBVIOUS! Like right in front my face. -_______________-
Ehem, so after a long break from going clubs, I finally stepped in UPR again. I'm just too lazy to go club nowadays. Well it still depends on who I'm going with. Another reason is I am sleeping very early nowadays! No lie, since I started work, I sleep at like 10 something normally, IF I got nothing to do. Or even earlier like 9 something. xD
I can of course go on Friday or Saturday which I dont need to wake up early the next day. But normally I'll be at home already. Jawi's home. So unless you're a very interesting friend, or else I wont go all the way back to Penang again. xD
So it was an event called Experience Life, held at Voodoo. Was... fun I supposed. Haha. Bumped into some friends there as well. =D And met some new friends. Was so crowded especially half way of the event, here came a heavy rain. Everyone just squeeeeeeeeeezed inside. Pftt.
Pictures of the night!
DJ of Voodoo, JJ. He was errrr kinda high that night. He bit my head twice! Talk about the highness. X.X And keep kissing my friends, which are also his good friends lah haha. And it was also the first I heard my name been shouted for so many times in the club through the mic. LOL!