
Friday, May 20, 2011

Full-booked Friday

It's gonna be so so so so erm full of funcstions and activities haha.

First off, a relative of mine is getting married. Tomorrow is her wedding night. I supposed to attend her wedding dinner. But there's something more important to me.

What's that? That's what I'm gonna say. LOL. Did I say The Northam Hotel is hiring me? I think I did. And I've to go there again tomorrow early in the morning, to know more about my job (I guess) and get my uniform. I'm so happy when I gotta know there's uniform for me! Which means I dont need to worry what I've to wear to work everyday!! Damn happy for that. Save my money to buy all those former wear. Woots.

You might be wondering, since the appointment is in the morning, I should be able to attend the wedding dinner at night right? No, 'cause my friends are throwing their birthday party in pg! One is my ex-classmate and another one is my ex-neighbor when I was staying in Tanjung Bungah. But... they are throwing their party at a totally opposite directions, Batu Feringghi, UPR. Far right? So I'm still thinking where to go. I think I should go both, BF first then UPR, then home. xD Sui.

Before that, friends from my high school were actually invited me to go KL, just for fun. They wanna go Sunway Lagoon. And I actually promised them I'll go. But I'm so so sorry. Seems pg got more activities to do and it's seems gonna be more happening. So I've to blow all of you off. BUT! Even if I can sacrifice all the parties and celebrations for you, I still cant go KL, 'cause I still have to go for my job's appointment. Aite. NEXT TIME LAH MY FRIENDS! ;D

See? Busy or not? I mean fully booked right my Friday. xD I wonder why all came together wan.  

Thursday, May 19, 2011









网友 风中之士


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

How to measure your bra cup size!

Okay! To be honest, I never know what's my bra cup size as I dont know how it counts. I know only know how many inches and how many centimeters. But if you ask me what's my bra cup size, I've to tell you frankly that I dont know. The most I'll tell you a rough range like maybe C or D I guess.

Loads of my friends ask me before, And they guessed, mine should be either D or E. But I was thinking... that big meh?! But okay lah, I dont know how big are D and E also haha. \

So, I'm watching Xiaxue's Guide To Life on teaching how to measure your bra cup size. Yes, I'm watching it. Haha.

Here we go. xD

Very simple. Measure your upper bust (in cm) and minus your lower bust (in cm). Woots, picture speaks a thousand words! xD

So, for example,

So it is 70B.

And this is how you measure the cup size.

So I measured mine.


upper bust 89cm...
lower bust 71cm...
89 plus 2 equals to 91
91 minus 71...

TWENTY?! It's not even inside the table! Wtf.

=/ Hm.

It's not a good thing. Dang.

So now you know how to measure your bra size cup! ;D

[Meinbrain]: How to use my salaries!

Alright, since I got nothing to do now. I wanna blog about something I've been think about so long sinceeeeeeee long long time ago haha!

What I'm gonna do when I got my first salary!!!

Okay lah, it's actually not my first salary already. I worked before k. xD

So after I know I'm hired by The Northam, I've been always thinking what I'm gonna do with the first salary I get. And since I still dont know about my salary, I assume it as 1k per month. (Dont make it too high later turns out it totally not like that then I'll be sooooo disappointed lol.)

At first, I was thinking to buy all the things I want first like a new phone, a new bag, a luggage and so on lah.

I wanted a new phone because that time my current phone was like kinda sucks, there are craploads of functions but I cant use. But after I sent to my aunt's shop to fix it, it's totally okay now. I can go online, dowmload stuffs and everything. Soooo I'm kinda like it now, I think dont need to change it yet.

So I re-think my To-buy list with the salaries.

When I got my first salary, I'm gonna buy my aunt something or maybe treat her a meal. 'Cause I got this job through her.... public relations sorta thing. Haiya it's complicated to explain lah. In short, her friend said maybe I can try The Northam, that's why I got the motive and courage and chance to do all these stuffs. =)

Then I'm gonna buy a new phone for my dad. A new phone with big words and a better camera quality. The megapixel of the one I bought for him previously is TOO LOW already, and I know he actually does use the camera. It's... it's... I dont know how to describe the feeling. You know, he gives me all the things and the best I want and... yea, I think I should buy a new phone for him. Mum doesnt want it, she said when I bought a new phone for dad, she uses the one dad using.

THEN I'll start spotting those I want!

Firstly, I want an iPod. It's awesome. I can play games, listen to the musics and camwhore with the awesome functions. And the most important thing is it's small, very portable. xD I know some of you might ask dont you wanna get an iPad? Yes yes of course I want. Later lah. iPad more expensive mah haha. Ban ban lai.

Secondly, I want a luggage. A medium size wan can already. 'Cause I never have my own luggage. Every time I travel, I use the luggage provided by the agency. And yea you should know it is kinda ugly. Or I'd say VERY ugly, with their logo printed on and the color always terrible. =/ So! I wanna buy a very pretty and fashion one for myself! So I dont need to take those ugly luggages anymore. -.-

Thirdly, I want a backpack! 'Cause.. it's convenient for me when I go for a 2 or 3 days trips! xD Fine, it's not actually necessarily but I just want it.

What else? Okay lah, I dont know why I just want these three stuffs. Hahaha. New clothes, new shoes, cosmetic, those never left out! I'm not a shopaholic, trust me. ;D

Look familiar? xD It's a nice movie!

Owh! And I want a new laptop! The one I'm using is like so old already! Like at least three years? Okay it's not that old. But the version is like kinda old. I want a new laptop. But I'll still keep the old lappy when I got the new one, it still functioning perfectly! 

Haiyo... I imaginary spent so much money already. =/  Okay lah, I just want an iPod first. Haha! And buy my dad a new phone. Then the rest save it up first lah. 

[Meinbrain]: I love Malaysia!

I read a blog post yesterday night which written by a China girl about Malaysia. I actually got no comment about the article, no matter what, at least she got a good impression of Malaysia and I believe that is a good thing. Despite of she IS really lack of knowledge on the history of Malaysia, it was a good article praising about how good Malaysia is, beautiful country, no racism, nice people all around. It is really a good thing right if a foreigner think like that about your own country, right?


So HERE is the article I think you might interested to know if you havent read it yet.

But what pissed me off is HER COMMENTS she responded to those who tell her, Malaysia is not really that fair especially about the policy. 

For examples, (by writer)

马来西亚本来就是马来人的,你们在东南亚的华人本来就是外来的。如果一个国家自己本来的主人成了二等公民而有权有势的就要拍着捧着,我觉得这个出了社会 主义DC政府谁都做不出来!
你们为什么在东南亚不受欢迎!问题出在你们自己!为什么在荷兰的中国商人很受欢迎?!还是你们自己作奸犯科的结果 (说的是什么话?!能这么想说明你的眼界、逻辑都很狭隘) 


最可笑的是,你们不仅没有新加坡国籍,中国人民也不承认你们是中国人!(基于这点,我相信绝大部分的大马华人也不屑当) 简直就是丧家之犬么,不过我坚信新加坡肯给你国籍,你还不照样削尖了脑袋要,现在没有国籍都假装新加坡人呢! 


你来日本旅游当然容易,但是日本人可不觉得你们东南亚人有多好~~不过拜托你们东南亚那边的人过来别闹事破坏日本治安我们就谢天谢地了!新闻上抓到的吸毒,黑社会把分之八十都你们那边过来的!(这句话又欠公道啊.哪个国家不是这样? 瞧你们那儿偷渡过来的有几个是做正当生意的?)

我们北京人说话可不是华文!我们是正经的北京话~ (所以你打车的时候,司机才会听不懂你说的话,在我们这儿是不说北京话的)

我靠你别大言不惭还华语好呢!华语再不一样,也要秉承汉语的语法~~你丫连语法都没搞明白呢,还拿中国护照~~中国就应该驱逐你!(日常会话还需要用标准的语法? 不累吗?)

没能力没智商,没素质!到日本来的南洋人最讨厌,大声说话干扰别人,也不知道说什么鸟语!假装说英语,结果发音诡异的不得了!在电车上肆无忌惮~一点教养都没有,大街上随便站在哪里从来不考虑别人也要通过!穿衣服土的要死一点都不讲ファション,大翻唇还有狐臭~真是影响市容。这就是你们南洋人!(我相信在中国多的也是这种人) 日本给你签证旅游来是让你来消费,并不是喜欢你们!!(有素质的人也不会像你这样说话)

我看过好多关于东南亚华人的,他们大多是南部沿海地区的男人们去了东南亚然后抛妻弃子,削尖了脑袋留在东南亚!!国内的老婆孩子就像垃圾一样扔了!你门的祖先就不是什么好东西,俗话说上梁不正下梁歪,龙生龙凤生凤,你们这群过街老鼠的孩子自然还是招人厌!(越来越过分了,中国就没有这种人? 这么说话有欠客观吧)


And then, she did another entry to response those who disagreed about she wrote. 

HERE is it, with a title "在大马不受欢迎的华人朋友!那是因为你们祖上没做好事的报应!"

That was really offensive and is really unacceptable, 'cause none of she wrote is true. I'd say NONE.

I dont care which race stepped on the land of Malaya first, but since we got the independence from British, it is a country of three of the races, which is Malay, Chinese and Indian. And that's our Malaysia. 

(by writer)

我只能说我打心眼里瞧不起这些华人!(我打从心里瞧不起你)不过我真庆幸你们不是我们中国人!(我们真的不希罕)我们中国人跟你们不一样!(的确很不一样)我们胸襟很大度 (我很怀疑),你们的祖先当年选择离开中国的时候,你们就已经不配说你们的故乡在中国了!(我们可没有那么说) 当然你们觉得歧视的话,大马也不是故乡!(大马绝对是我的故乡!)

✂ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 






















Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Singapore!!! Day 1 Universal Studio

So I asked my mum, when was the last time I went Singapore. Lost count man. Mum said at least 16 years. I was like wtf, I'm old enough to have something 16 years ago. Dang! Haha! Okay, this is not the point. Here are the pictures in the Universal Studio. The ticket's price is 66 dollars on weekdays but 72 dollars on weekends. -.- Hmph.

Mum forced me to wear it and snap it down. -.-

Lame cousins all dont want take picture wan. =/

So I've to camwhore. LOL!

I somehow like this picture. LOL!

Jasmine-The Thinker

Finally we're inside the Universal Studio!

We waited for soooooo longgggggggg, just to play


Which not exciting at all! ;(

Roller coaster! My all time favorite! Okay, I'm sure it has a name but I dont know what's that. My cousin accompanied me for the red lane wan, but after that she didnt dare to play the blue lane anymore. -.- But I really really wanna try it! So I went up there alone. LOL! (I dont play alone normally.) And yeash! It was nice! Luckily I tried it, itherwise I'm gonna sooo regret hahaa.

Nice not the street??? I'm just so in love with it. >.<

They're awesome! Haha. As we were standing quite in front, I had been 'invited' to dance with them! Hahaha! Then he asked me through the mic,

'Do you have a boyfriend?'


'Now you do.' *Big smile*

Sweet or not! I mean he's cute right!! xDDD

The castle!

The purple lizard kept on flirting me! Haha!

And I'm hungry. Haha.

More pictures to come! Wait for it!!! <3

Or you can see more on my Facebook!

Muntatt Chan! Happy Birthday!!! ♥

How could I forget your birthday Muntatt!!! Been counting down until today since May started you know!

How are you doing btw? Okay nvm, I assume that you're great all the time there. =D I wonder how you celebrate your birthday up there. Met any new friends or not? You're so talkative, I think that's not a problem for you loh.

Still miss you as usual!

Tell you what! I went for interview at The Northam! If I'm lucky enough, guess I'm gonna start working in pg very soon. IF lah. See, always say if I'm staying in pg you confirm go after me wan, who ask you leave me so early, now I'm finally gonna stay in pg, no chance already loh. Feel sorry or not! xD And see! If you didnt leave me so early, I can go gym with you already. SEE SEE SEE!

Wwwwei, sorry 'cause I promised you to make you a birthday card but I still havent draw it yet. =( I've been sooooooo busy recently, I dont even have time to draw my mum a mother's day card. Look, I've been busy about the interview thinggie, rushed to pg so many times, and the Singapore trip, I just came back on yesterday night, then today rushed to pg again for the interview thinggie again. BUSY NOT???

But I'll still draw for you lahhhh hahaha. Since we're so friendsssss, I know you wont mind wannn. xD

Oi! two months later gonna be my birthday! How?? How you gonna celebrate with me?? If I'm not mistaken, you said you'll draw me a birthday card also right. See! You gonna break your own words. Hmph.

I miss you lahhhhhh. I miss your drunk call. LOL!

I'm extremely sleepy now actually, but I've to upload the pictures I took in Sg first. Wait for itttt, I tagged you in a picture. LOL!

A birthday kiss for youuuu!!! <3<3<3 

It's kinda weird to see this picture on your wall actually. But nvm lah haha.

Feel honored not??? Only you got okay! Haha! I know it doesnt look like you at all, you got smaller eyes. HAHA! And you're way slimmer that it.

Muntatt Muntatt Muntatt! Love you! And I'll miss you!

Love me more okay!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Back from Singapore!!!

Just came back form Singapore about an hour ago. It was fun, definitely. =D It's kinda hard to talk about it by typing it out. Sooooo, I'll upload the pictures asap haha. I took craploads of pictures!

We went the Universal Studio and that was the funnest part!

Pictures are coming soon! Wait for it! xDD

Anyway, I found one of the entry I posted before I went Sg, it's gone. -____________- Dang. I twisted my brain to write the entry!

I'm just kidding HAHA! I was just talking about what I'm gonna do with my salaries when I start working. Nah, I didnt say they confirm hired me already har. Just a random post when I'm bored. xD

Alright, just a short quick post I'm doing.

Nice right? I got it from Google hahah! xD

See ya! <3